BR’s Newest Strategic Service

3 min readJul 30, 2020

From the desk of Steven Vilkas, Block Relations Co-Founder and Director of Intelligence

“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.” — W.Edwards Denning

The need for information, for hard and definitive data, is what will separate (in the acquisition, analysis and implementation process) the winners from the losers. It’s not enough to have a solid team, not enough to have a compelling value prop, you can be flush with cash and have flashier marketing than Hollywood…if you don’t know —

Your organization.

The organizations around you, friend (partner) and foe (competition).

What those organizations are up to.

What they’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong.

You will fail. It’s not a question of “if I don’t have actionable enough insights” it’s “because we didn’t have actionable insights, <x> failure occurred.”. Furthermore it’s not enough to find and put your eyes on it — you have to understand what’s in front of you and that’s not always the easiest thing to do.

If what you’re trying to find out is above your pay grade and yet you know understanding it is the key to getting a leg up and over the current hurdle you’re facing as an organization, your awareness also makes you realize one of the most important things ever:

Information is abundant. Intelligence is scarce.

“It’s not enough to be up to date, you have to be up to tomorrow.”

— David Ben-Gurion

BR’s Business Intelligence Bureau Separates The Relevant and Credible From The Junk

You don’t need to know everything, which is a good thing. Because you can’t. No one can.

What you need to know applies to your own case, and we’re flexible enough to adjust accordingly and conduct the kind of work that suits your Business Intelligence needs. It’s a premium blend of people, tools, and technology…consistently improving, consistently evolving to meet the needs of all our clients. What you need to know is not just for the present moment either: You need depth of insight more than sufficient enough to produce a reasonable forecast that’s rich in material substance.

BR’s Business Intelligence Bureau Takes Long Looks

Skimming the surface is not our thing. Mindless scrolling, half-baked or spurious assumptions are more often than not the Achilles heel of many a person, place or entity in general.

We deal in facts, and facts only. Our analytical expertise is buttressed by an ethical dedication to due diligence and to providing a port in the storm for factual integrity itself amidst the tempests and storms of mis, dis, and outright false information proliferating around the ecosystem.

We therefore take long looks — peering thoughtfully, with scopes magnified accordingly, extracting truth from the source and nothing less — in a timely and efficient manner.

State of Affairs

As the Bureau has just opened under the Block Relations Communications and Strategy Department, we have several projects primed up and are growing our domain slowly but surely. Additional information will be released, when and where appropriate, describing our latest adventures and also providing educational analysis on how businesses (especially in our ecosystem) need to master information, communications and strategic security.

Thanks so much for reading.




Building, protecting and enhancing — BR (BlockRelations) is dedicated to helping blockchain and crypto entrepreneurs, businesses + orgs tell their stories.